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Name of a checkmake pattern?T59Index ->

posted at 2015-04-11 07:25 by samuraigoroh

I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a name for a checkmate pattern that was going to happen yesteday in my game (opponent resigned before mate in 1, so it didn't quite happened, plus there were 2 squares to move to and not 1).

The position is similar to the swallow's tail mate where the pieces form a Y pattern but the pieces are reversed colored. By that I mean the top pieces are Rook + Queen (who delivers mate), in the middle is the enemy King and below it any other of his pieces blocking the only valid move to retreat.

I'm sure that at least I've seen the pattern in a few ChessTempo puzzles, but I'm not sure whether it has a name or not (I would think of reversed swallow's tail, but searching for that didn't brought any results I would expect)


Swallow's Tail Mate pattern
