FICS Teamleague

Putting a Team Together

As captain, you will put together a team of 4 to 6 players, using the following considerations:

Confirm with your players their willingness to commit to playing to the completion of the tournament to minimize the chances of having to forfeit games.

If you have only four players, each player will need to play in each round.  If you have five or six players, you can rotate the play opportunities however you see fit, for example giving a week off to a player who tells you he will have a busy week.

The average of the standard ratings of your top 4 players must be below the ratings cap for the ratings section you wish to play in.  You can verify that your proposed team fits in the desired section, and that your desired players have joined, by using the the teamleague command checkteam.

Each player may be on (as a player and/or captain) only one team per ratings Section: Open, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400.   New players may be on only two teams in their first tourney.  Players in their first tourney upon returning from a suspension also may be on only two teams, and may not be captain (but may be deputy captain).

Before entering your team , each player must have joined (Tell Teamleague join), to enable him to be entered on a team. This will also set his fixed rating for the tourney. You will not be able to enter any player who has not done this. Each player must also set his password (tell teamleague set password <password>).