FICS Teamleague


Teamleague Forum

Chess PuzzleT80Index ->

posted at 2020-12-19 15:44 by schachbjm

Hey all,

I found a very beautiful tactical idea in one of my recent games and modified the position a bit to obtain a chess composition:

Black to play and win
FEN: r2q1r2/ppp1k1p1/3ppn2/2b3p1/3nP1P1/1BNPB3/PPP3PP/RN2QRK1 b - - 0 0

Disclaimer: This chess puzzle is quite difficult, so please take your time. SF12 needs quite some time as well to spot the idea ^^

Besides that I want to wish you all good chess, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Best regards

P.S. Is it possible to display chess positions in the forum?

posted at 2020-12-20 17:19 by KRMCHESS

I don't think it's currently possible but I remember when I set up a chess forum in the past I got it to work using pgn4web

P.S. I actually managed to get it mostly right but jumped the gun on the 5th move

posted at 2021-01-18 22:59 by marjohn

Thank you KRMCHESS!