FICS Teamleague


Teamleague Forum

How to Enter a TeamProposalsIndex ->

posted at 2011-07-30 15:03 by ButiOxa

Now, the page ( says:

You must message teamleague with your team roster. The message must include team name, section, captain handle, deputy captain handle (if any) and players handles.

This no longer works (I tried :( ) Instead, it should say:

To enter a team, use "Submit a Team" link (top link on the left on the Team League home page). Notice that the link is only visible after you login.

posted at 2011-07-30 17:26 by jaberwock

I think I understand what is being asked.

Entering a team is different than entering a lineup.

Entering a team is what we did before the TL started. That option is no longer visible as of today (7/30/11).

Entering/changing a lineup is done by captains on the "Captains Page".

Adding/dropping a player is done via messages to smallblackcat or jaberwock.

I hope this helps!

posted at 2011-08-08 04:02 by ButiOxa

No, I was talking about entering the team. Sorry for not being clear, but I cannot make links here, and you need to visit page to understand what I am talking about.

The text there is obsolete.

posted at 2011-10-31 17:29 by wmahan

In case anyone is still reading this, I have edited the page ButiOxa mentioned to talk about filling out the online form rather than messaging teamleague.