Finding a Team
First, if you have not done previously, type the command "tell teamleague join" (while on FICS.)
You can indicate your interest to join a team by typing the command “tell teamleague set interested 1”. Your handle will then be listed on the FTL webpage under “Interested Players”. You can remove your name by typing, “tell teamleague set interested 0”.
You can self-advertise: Post tells to the Teamleague channel (101), or other channels in which you are active. "I'm looking for an opening teamleague team. My rating is XXXX. Does any team need a player?"
You can form your own team from friends and acquaintances on FICS, or from players listed on “Interested Players”. Teams must have four players, and should have alternates.
After team entries open, check the Teams section of the TeamLeague page. If you see a team with an empty spot (a team with maybe only four players, or that has dropped to three during league play), send the listed team captain a message, asking if another player. Is needed. Players may be added after TL starts.
Note a team’s average rating is based on the top four players’ ratings.
In preparation, players should familiarize themselves with the Player’s Handbook listed under Documents. New players may especially wish to review “How to Join” in the Player’s Handbook.
Prior to joining, please note that you will be committing to playing once a week (unless your team has substitutes) in a 45 45 game which typically lasts several hours.
The key to the enjoyment in Teamleague play is sportsmanship, communication, and camaraderie among teammates and opponents.