FICS Teamleague


This is the home of FICS TeamLeague. We organize slow time-control chess tournaments on the Free Internet Chess Server. Games are played by individuals, who compete for results as part of a team. We try to provide a fun and friendly atmosphere. Our channel on FICS is 101.

T89 Opens

Posted at 10/03/00 - 09:20 PM

T89 Opens

We are now accepting team entries for T89. The deadline to submit a team is Tuesday, October 17th, with play commencing a week later on October 24th.

To enter a team, first login, and the submit a team tab will appear in the upper left side of this page. Follow the information on that page (and please take note of any error messages you may receive), click the proceed button, and your registration should be processed within a few days.

Questions are always welcome in channel 101 on FICS, or can be sent via FICS message to the TeamLeague account.

Author: smallblackcat

Previous Posts
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