FICS Teamleague


This is the home of FICS TeamLeague. We organize slow time-control chess tournaments on the Free Internet Chess Server. Games are played by individuals, who compete for results as part of a team. We try to provide a fun and friendly atmosphere. Our channel on FICS is 101.

T89 Honour Roll

Posted at 12/28/00 - 12:03 AM

T89 Honour Roll

T89 is over. We will return with T90 in the new year. Dates will be posted soon. In the meantime, here are your winners, runners-up, and top scorers from T89.


Champions: NewBlood/Plasma, Runners-up: RainbowWarriorsAzul

1st: damouno (6/7), 2nd: xandor (5.5/7), 3rd: MauLo (5/5)


Champions: NewBlood/Leuko, Runners-up: RainbowWarriorsVerde

1st: txbeda (6/7), 2nd: Spudweb (5/6), 3rd: MZaiser (4.5/7)


Champions: Arequepay, Runners-up: The_Eye_of_the_Tigran_The_Gaze

1st: Fente (5.5/6), 2nd: DrPaulsen (5.5/7), 3rd= Jirayu, quiquevas (5/7)


Champions: Mysterious_Pawn_Moves, Runners-up: The_Eye_of_the_Tigran_The_Stare

1st: herrahuu (6/7), 2nd: kliszek (5/7), 3rd= Lionskins, LNO (4.5/6)

Congratulations to our winners, and kudos to all who took part!


Author: smallblackcat

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